As the bowling tournament edges closer, we thought it'd be nice to let you all see for yourself what the existing Rumah Aman (RA1) is all about.
Well the principal of RA1 is a Mr Khalid Shah, who with all the passion in the world manages and care for 30 young boys between the ages of 5 and 11. These little boys are sent to sekolah kebangsaan during the day and spend afternoons learning English, Agama Islam and other subjects in the home. The boys are taught and reminded to study hard, awarded for their achievements and trained to do routine daily chores like making their own bed, arranging their shoes and sandals, keeping their bookshelves neat etc. Hey guess what, just like how we are treated by mom and dad at home!
So that is what RA1 (and hopefully the the second Rumah Aman) is looking to achieve, to offer these children the opportunity and the best environment to grow up into successful and happy individuals.
So that is where we come in.
We are a team of young, hardworking (busy, like all you young corporates), loving, compassionate individuals looking for ways to help make life better for many underprivileged children in Malaysia. And we figured, the more Rumah Amans there are, the more underprivileged children will stand a chance of having a better life!
So lets start now by participating in this upcoming charity bowling event! Proceeds will go to fund the construction of Rumah Aman 2 (so that more children will be able to benefit from the efforts of Rumah Aman). And lets face it, you guys get to have fun! So lets have fun and do some charity! Spread the word to your friends and colleagues y'all!
These are the angels that we are trying to help!
But if you don't want to bowl, head over to Rumah Aman in Shah Alam and drop off any daily products you feel the kids will need! Hey, they even put a notice at the front as to what they need! Smart :)
This space shows commitment and dedication of the staff of Rumah Aman to give the best to the children!
And yes, the kids do their own beds :)
Oh why is it so clean and proper we hear you asking? Well it's because Rumah Aman is managed well and believes in only giving the best, especially to those who need it the most, children :)